Author: Santiago Bazarra

What's holding back your digital transformation?

Digital transformation has been a problem for companies for several decades now, it has changed according to the evolution and technological adaptation of companies, but it is yet a latent issue. Today, the digital transformation of companies mainly involves the use of large amounts of data, and especially the ability to store them and make them actionable.

In this sense there are some problems that companies tend to encounter, this 3 main issues will be analyzed in this blog, seeking for possible solutions.


Keeping data organized

Being able to store data and structure it may not seem so difficult if we just take into account basic data, as companies used to do 20 years ago. The problem of today’s possibilities is that companies face huge amounts of data from thousands of sources, and not just basic data, but also attitudinal or behavioral data.

These possibilities make data structuration quite tough, most companies use different platforms where they store different pieces of data, which makes even more complex the unification of criteria. A platform where companies could store all of their data in order to make it actionable, taking into account all of it, and saving large amounts of time to employees, makes things easier and manageable. A Customer Data Platform enables companies to store every single piece of Data related to customers, sales, or campaigns.


Obtaining Actionable Insights

Once this data is obtained and unified in one place companies need to obtain information from it. Making this data actionable is also much harder than what it may seem, as today’s technology enables companies to obtain much further actionable insights than ever before.

The application of Artificial Inteligence on this large amounts of data (Big Data), is a must if your company wants to achieve the furthest insights possible, as AI allows a data processing capability that humans are unable to reach. This will help with obtaining insights and also with predicting tendencies with a really high level of precision.


Not being able to manage the tools correctly

The above mentioned technologies and possibilities may seem far away from your company’s possibilities as it seems complex. Most platforms or systems that allow companies to develop this technology tend to be difficult to use due to its technical complexity. This is a huge problem as if companies hire technology that can’t use properly or to the lastest extend, then it would be useless.

Hiring easy to use technology and being able to understand it with webinars or direct contact with the developers would help companies enormously to exploit data as ever before. Making Digital Transformation a reality and not a further possibility.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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Martech tools for marketeers!

91% of marketers don’t feel they have a complete, fully utilized technology stack. 59% say they don’t fully utilize the marketing technology they have today.

The technological development of Marketing tools in the last decade has been huge, but marketing teams are yet unable to work on many of them, that is why there has always appeared an easy-to-use solution for every new Martech tool launched in the market.


Have new technologies changed the way in which marketing is done?

Definitely not, it just changed the channel and the possibilities, but the strategies maintain quite similar in its basis to the ones done 50 years ago.

The other day we compared the use of Cookies today, with observing people in the store (for a shopper 50 year ago), their movements and their preferences, in order to offer them something that matches their expectations next time. Same strategy with a huge difference in technology.

By this we mean that the technological development specially in Marketing areas has supposed a change in the capacity to process data. Now, we are able to personalize as a shopper did 50 years ago, but towards thousands of customers instead of 30 or 40.


More Martech tools than ever

A marketeer in 2022 is supposed to know about how to carry on marketing strategies, and at the same time know how to use: A Customer Relation Management platforms, an email marketing platform, Google Analytics, Google Ads., Facebook Ads., a Data Management Platform, and many more depending on the company.

This is driving marketeers crazy as every year a new tool appears, but without substituting another one. So every tool sums up to the ones previously used, making this teams waste time, or even worst have an IT Team to work on the platform. This also tends to happen with complex to use platforms, that need programmatic level users.


One CDP to unify them all.

The tendency in the last years has been to drive marketing teams into customer-centric teams, due to the importance of customers for companies. This is why Customer Data Platforms are becoming increasingly essential for Marketing Teams.

Customer Data Platforms (CDP) enable companies to unify all of their information from the sources available, plus the data obtained from the various platforms mentioned before, in order to allow marketing teams to work through one platform. This solves many problems of time and technical abilities required as the team would mainly access to this CDP to work on Customer knowledge.


Easy-to-use Customer Data Platform

A huge problem of Customer Data Platforms has been the difficulty to use inherent to this softwares. Due to the short living period of it, and the complexity upon the technology involved (Big Data and Artificial Intelligence), CDPs have been really complicated to manage and usually managed by IT or Data Science teams.

Marketing teams used to be involved only in the last part of the process, in making the data actionable. Although this seems a problem as each team needs to take control over their data. This is why FLYDE appeared in the market, to allow marketing teams to take control over their data, and to make this technology accessible to every single company.




Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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Key benefits of using a CDP

A Customer Data Platform is a global platform so many departments from many sectors can benefit from it. In fact every single department of the company Customer-Related will end up making the most of it.

As many different departments would use it, it is crucial for it to be accessible. This is why an easy-to-use CDP is vital for a company to be able to become Customer-Centric. Start taking control of your Data.

Customer-Centric Data-Driven Companies

Becoming Customer-Centric is a priority for companies, as U.S. companies lose $136.8 billion per year due to avoidable consumer switching. The current competition for market share has become more fierce than ever before, and the need to become omni-channel, forced companies who were willing to become Customer-Centric to be Data-Driven, in order to understand such amounts of Customers Data.

This is where Customer Data Platforms fit into place. A Customer Data Platform is a Platform where you store and unify all of your customers data (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Party Data), and with the use of AI/ML obtain actionable insights, from your customer’s 360 profile.

We would next see the different benefits a CDP would provide to the different departments of a company:


Marketing Teams

  • 360 Profile: unifying customer data in one platform and in real time, enables a complete customer profile, that can be afterward compared with the rest of customers/potential customers to obtain insights.
  • Hyper Segmentation: the unification of basic, behavioral, attitudinal, and socio-demographic data would enable a level of segmentation never seen before. Segmenting by buying habits for example (ROPO, Showrooming, etc.).
  • Personalization: with the 360 profiling of customers your company could start personalizing campaigns according to each customers needs (Personalized newsletters, emails, content in Social Media depending on your customers segment presence, etc.).
  • Predictive models on the efficiency of each campaign on each customer: a CDP will help your company on predicting tendencies with AI/ML. One thing your marketing team could do is by adding up your past campaigns to your 360 customers profile, predict the future campaigns efficiency, by types of campaigns and by customers likes.
  • Buyer Personas in real time: having your customer data unified and constantly renewing would enable a constant buyer persona of each product, or a picture of the personal characteristics of the preferred customer for each product.
  • Omni-channel Customer Journeys: each channel of communication works different, but customers demand a full unified experience from brands. You would be able to track the customer journey through channels to activate a personalized omni-channel experience
  • Forget about Third-Party Cookies: a tagging functionality in a CDP would help you track each individual customer through your website and add this information to their 360 profile.
  • Geomarketing: unifying 3rd Party-Data (Socio-demographic) allow the 360 profile to be much more detailed. With this you would be able to see the differences between neighborhoods, seeking for the one that matches the most with your buyer persona, ML algorithms would help you on this task, in order to show you the best neighborhoods to sell each product.
  • Dynamic Scoring: model that gives a rating from 1 to 10 of each individual’s customer engagement in real time, to see how campaigns are affecting them or the point they are at with your company in terms of engagement.
  • Orchestrate campaigns: get the insights from your customers and afterword the CDP would enable you to orchestrate campaigns by sending this audiences, segments or profiles on to your different tools (email marketing, Social Media, advertising group, etc.).


Sales Teams

  • Personalized Contact: contacting via email or phone with customers or potential customers is really tough but it would definitely be easier if your sales team had a 360 Profile (with the unification of 1st 2nd and 3rd party data) to have all of the information from your customer (behavioral, attitudinal, basic, etc.) while you do phone sales.


Logistic Operators

  • Demand forecast models: being able to predict the demand with efficiency rates over a 95% would avoid stock outs.



  • Full reports easy to read: in the same platform and with all of the data and insights obtained before you would be able to extract reports, graphs, and summaries of how your company is performing in terms of customer experience.
  • Demand forecast models: know a year before the total demand your company would have in order to organize properly financially.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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crm dmp cdp

There are new technological solutions constantly appearing for companies to take control over customer experience. But which one should I choose? Is there really a difference between this platforms?

In this blog we would analyze the differences between Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms, Data Management Platforms (DMP), and Customer Data Platforms (CDP). We would also the reasons behind the latest boom of CDPs in the US, with estimations rising up to a $15.3 billion market for 2026.


What is a CRM?

A Customer Relations Management platform, is a platform where you can store Basic Data from you leads. It is a must for any sales team, as it helps to store and structure information of your customers.

What is a DMP?

A Data Management Platform, is used to unify data in order to create and segment audiences, in really specific ways as the information integrated comes from different data sources.

What is a CDP?

A Customer Data Platform is a software that enables companies to unify every single piece of data obtained from customers (Including the data you have in your CRM), and unifies it with 3rd Party Data (or data obtained from the market in which you operate), to portray a 360 profile of your customers, in order to segment, personalize, and predict with the use of ML/AI.


Technological Evolution: From a CRM to a CDP

CRM (1990s)

CRMs emerged at the end of the last century as a way of storing basic customer information online. They were a very important step, sales teams were able to use them to have databases with leads and to carry out campaigns through them.

Today they are still a great help for lead management and lead storage, a great support for sales teams, but they do not cover all the needs of the contemporary company.

Nowadays, companies need to have a database that covers all possible customer data, not only basic information (age, sex, forms of contact, etc.), but they also need to enrich this information with behavioral and attitudinal data (product preferences, forms of purchase, contact times, favorite types of promotions, etc.).

DMP (2000s)

This is how the DMP (Data Management Platform) was born, with the intention of gathering all the information about your customers in a single platform, not only the sales data, but you could unify this data (extracted from a CRM), with behaviors and attitudes of your customers.

So with a DMP your company can create audiences and segment them in hundreds of ways so that your advertising or marketing teams can target their campaigns to much more specific audiences.

The DMP was the next step to CRM as it was much closer to the online personalization that companies were looking for.

CDP (2020s)

The unification of all possible customer data opened up a world of possibilities, but the key piece of the puzzle was missing, converting this data into actionable data. CDP was born to integrate all the aforementioned data with ML, allowing companies to know their customers like never before. It allows you to have a detailed picture of each customer as an individual so that you can personalize your campaigns to the extreme.

The 360-degree customer profile that you will obtain using a CDP allows companies to segment, personalize and predict behaviors with the use of Machine Learning. Customer Data Platforms thus emerge as the ultimate solution for omni-channel customer management, multiplying the knowledge you have of your customer to levels never before imagined.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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How to market when the world seems to be cracking apart?

It seems obvious that an economic downturn is coming. How does this affect on Marketing strategies, and what can those marketing teams do to minimize the damages of an economic downturn?

In this article we would explain how through the correct use of Customer Data you could optimize your resources in order to minimize damages of an economic downturn.


Current Situation

After the global pandemic, the war and at the high inflation rates that western countries are facing, it seems quite obvious that we are facing an economic contraction. We are quite experienced with this type of situation after 2008, but our current possibilities to face it are different from those we had in 2008.

Today, we have new solutions that could help our company be one of those companies that suffer the least out of the recession. The adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data helps every department of companies to develop data-driven strategies, really useful especially in time where your company would need to gain efficiency against your competitors. The problem comes for those companies that aren’t yet implementing this type of solutions, as their techniques are becoming obsoletes.

In this article we will focus on the main problems and possible solutions that a Marketing team could be facing in this situation.


How does an economic downturn affect marketing teams?

Budget Cuts

When economic contractions start, companies tend to lower down each department’s budget, but as seen always, marketing budget tends to be the most affected one. When the marketing budget is noticeably cut your strategies would surely suffer, and what is more important, your customers tend to realize this, which would end resulting on loosing customers.

Lack of purchasing power from customers

Economic recessions affect on every single member of the society and your customers would not escape from it. Your customers won’t be able to continue spending as before and they would start choosing more wisely where to spend their money. Competence would start becoming more fierce as the demand would decrease, so your ability to overcome your competitors must be better than ever.

Higher prices for resources

Inflation, and specially in the current situation, raises up the prices paid by your company to produce goods or services. So margins become much smaller, and marketing gets much more complicated, offers and discounts need to be measured to the nearest, and prices can’t raise up for a weaker experience as customers would notice and leave your company for your competitors.

Loosing Customers

It’s the moment where you lose customers and it’s 7 times more expensive to gain a new customer than to retain one. As we have seen in the points described before, loosing customers is a typical thing in economic downturns, this can suppose a complete breakdown to a company as loosing customers is the most expensive matter for a company.

The need for companies to retain customers and gain unhappy customers from their competitors goes through boosting your marketing efficiency, and your customer experience, in order to lead the market in an uncertain moment.


How can marketing teams face economic downturns?

Know where to cut off by knowing your customers

Cuts in budget are going to happen, the crucial point resides in knowing where to make those cuts so that customers don’t realize it. With the use of an Intelligent CDP you would be able to track your customers journey to know where and what they expect from your company. With this analysis done you would be able to cut off just the thing you where doing and that affected the least to your customers.

Stock management with demand forecast to optimize resources

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence bring unlimited opportunities for companies. Your company could start to know and understand your customer to the extent of being able to forecast your customer’s next movement. In this way with the historical data and Machine Learning, you would be able to have predictions of demand up to a 95% or above preciseness on the demand of each product, and each customer.

With this detail of forecast you would be able to reduce to minimums losses or surpluses of stock, saving huge amounts of money for the company.

Offers and discounts depending on each individual situation

Attitudinal segmentation, know which customers are looking for offers and which ones are not in order to prioritize discounts and maintain those customers. By tracking your customers attitudinal and behavioral contacts with your company, you would be able to know if they are looking for discounts or not, in this way you would optimize your marketing strategies, and use your budget more wisely.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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Is your Customer Lifetime Value dropping?

Acquiring a new customer is 5 to 7 times more expensive than keeping one, we all know this, but why are companies still unable to retain their customers?

The CLV or Customer Lifetime Value, is the value that your customers have for your company, and it is one of the most important calculations for a company.

In this article we will unravel the importance of using a CDP today, in order to optimize your company’s CLV, thus boosting your revenues, and achieving longer lasting relationships with your customers.


What is CLV?

The Customer Lifetime Value is a formula that determines the cost/benefit that a customer can bring to your company. With it, you can determine the appropriate expenditure to invest in marketing/advertising to reach or attract this customer. Without this metric it is impossible to draw logical marketing strategies since you would be constantly carrying out undervalued campaigns or, even worse, overvalued, that is, paying more for obtaining new customers than what they will bring you in the long term.

In order to obtain a concrete but dynamic data from your CLV, it is necessary to obtain a large amount of data and a proper treatment of it. Due to the end of Third-Party Cookies, this data must be obtained directly from your customers: the First-Party Data. Once you start collecting data from your customers, it will be necessary to store, organize and analyze it in an efficient way in order to obtain an accurate CLV. The right tool for this is an Intelligent CDP, which will allow you to do all this and more.


Strategies to improve your CLV with a CDP

How can a CDP help me improve my Customer Lifetime Value? Below we will explain some of the key strategies for a marketing team with an Intelligent CDP at their disposal. With these strategies your company will be able to make a difference with your competitors in terms of CLV.


  1. Strengthen your relationship with your customers

Traditional marketing is no longer useful, the market demands strategies focused and oriented to the customer “Customer-Centric“. To really put the customer at the center, and thus strengthen your brand’s relationship with them, it is essential to know them.

Having a real-time picture of your customers, with all the data you can get unified, allows you to know them like never before. In addition to, as it is in real time you will be able to observe the effect of each of your campaigns on each customer, to know which campaigns attract them more or distance them from your brand.


2. Hypersegment your customers

With this 360-degree view of the consumer, you will be able to perform much more concrete and dynamic segmentation than you had ever imagined.

For example: you can generate market segments based on the moment in which customers are in relation to your company, added to other variables such as age, their product preferences, or their estimated average income. This way you will group your customers according to their interest in receiving this month’s newsletter, or in the case of doing more than one newsletter, you will know which one to send to each group of customers.


3. Personalize their experience

Having this 360 picture we will be able to personalize the experiences, something fundamental nowadays. There are too many companies in the market offering a similar product to yours, and therefore, the customer needs you to provide a different experience with your company. Thus, personalization becomes crucial for that customer to decide to buy your product/service instead of that of your competitor.

For example: if two customers do not want the same thing from your company, one buying a product online and the other in the physical store, do not send discounts for your e-commerce to the one who wants to go to the store. Simply show him/her the new products and offer him/her a discount in the physical store through email marketing, so that he/she gets what he/she wants from your brand.


4. Optimize your marketing strategies

Marketing strategies are determined by the CLV, and therefore a detailed and accurate analysis of the CLV will allow your company to optimize these strategies. This way your marketing strategies will have an efficient budget that will boost your ROI since the tendency will always be to receive revenues above the costs of the campaign.

In addition, a CDP will help you to optimize these campaigns, avoiding unnecessary expenses or even losing customers due to invasive or excessive advertising. With campaigns measured to the millimeter as a CDP allows you to know the effect of the campaign on each customer, thus being able to predict the result with the help of AI/ML, and knowing the expenditure that you should or can make.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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to predict, or to guess, that's the question

Demand Forecasting has always been a crucial technique for companies in order to predict future situations, helping on inventory and production issues and to set up prices. The problem with demand forecasting has always been the same: you would never be able to have a certain answer, as you are predicting future scenarios.

However, current advances in technology and the progression of AI, have enabled companies to raise the percentage of this forecast to unprecedented numbers (over 90%). Although this is an important improvement, the greatest change isn’t the raise of the percentage that comes from the possibility to analyze much more factors than before but on the possibility to know the exact percentage of preciseness of that forecast, making companies able to know the exact possibility of a forecast to be correct and knowing how much to depend on it.


How has technology improved predictions so much?

Traditionally forecasting was done manually by companies, just by taking a clever guess over the historial sales, this wasn’t a forecast, but a guess. Nowadays the data obtained by companies is much larger, and this data can be stored and used in thousands of different ways obtaining companies great actionable insights.

The unification of huge sizes of information brought up a new problem: people where unable to read it and create insights from it in an efficient way. So Artificial Intelligence was created with the ability to read that information and simplify it for those teams. The use of AI over data enables precise predictions, and also the preciseness of those predictions. This preciseness would depend on the amount of data and the quality of it. For a company to become Data-driven it is crucial to be able to store and use wisely every single piece of data available.


Why is Demand Forecasting so useful?

1. Inventory and production efficiency boost

Stock issues have always been a problem for retail companies, as we have seen before demand forecasting has been done for many years, but in an unaccurate way. From now on, this could change radically as AI is enabling automated forecasting, which would help solving stock problems. With AI companies would be able to predict the amount of sells for each product to control their inventory and production as ever imagined, boosting their efficiency and saving large amounts of capital.

2. Setting up prices

Setting up prices has always been a complicated task for companies as it is not only a matter of trying to balance your numbers, it is fundamental to understand the demand of a product in order to set up prices, depending on the channel’s and product’s demand. This could be done with a demand forecast driven by data and AI.


Demand forecasting is another one of FLYDE’s possibilities

This solutions seem quite far away for medium companies as most of them tend to not be Data-Driven as big multinationals are. But there has been a radical change in the market, the entrance of FLYDE the Intelligent CDP easy-to-use, makes this technology approachable by any company (sector or size), and, most important, each team could have the control over the action driven by this platform.

FLYDE gives the possibility to companies to unify all of their customers data to exploit it in thousands of different ways. One of them is the Demand Forecasting which could be done through channels, products, product categories, or even by earnings. This different categories also give the possibility to be mixed within them to make as we have seen before the most precise forecast of the demand possible.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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CDP as the next step to the CRM

What is a CDP, is it the same as a CRM? In this blog we will try to explain in a simple way what the use of each of them allows your company to do, and their main differences.

The massive expansion of CRM makes many companies see this as the end of their road to become a Data-Driven Company, however, every day there are more possibilities to know your customer and improve your Customer Experience. This is essential today as 52% of consumers have switched brands in the past year due to a bad Customer Experience.


What is a CRM and what is a CDP?

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a technological tool that allows companies to know their customers through their relationships or points of contact with them. Thus, the sum of your customers’ interactions with your campaigns, or promotional methods are accumulated in your CRM to achieve a better understanding of your customer.

Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a platform that allows you to bring together all the data collected by your company (1st Party Data); the data you have from third parties, such as Social Media, Google Analytics or the CRM itself (2nd Party Data); and socio-demographic data, or the market in which you operate data(3rd Party Data). The combination of all this data will allow you to obtain a 360º vision of your customer, which added to the use of Artificial Intelligence (which CDPs have integrated), you will be able to understand your customer or potential customers down to the smallest detail, and thus predict future behavioral trends.


Why are companies not happy with their CRM?

Did you know that 52% of sales leaders are not happy with their CRM? To understand this we need to look at the problems companies are encountering with their CRM:

  • Tension between departments. Interdepartmental communication in a company is key, and therefore, the data they have and the way they deal with it must be aligned. Many companies find that this does not happen, leading to disputes between Marketing and Sales.
  • It does not predict behavior. Analyzing the behavior of your customers is very useful to understand what they like, or what their preferences are regarding your company. However, with the advances in technology, not being able to predict behaviors with the necessary information is a bit vague.
  • The data is not up to date. Many users have long complained that some CRMs are not constantly updated, and therefore their reliability can be low. By not having the data constantly updated (in real time), confusion can arise, and the data may not be read correctly.


Is the solution in the CDP?

CDPs where born with the intention of overcoming these problems. With an intelligent CDP, you will have all the information unified and updated in real time, all departments can have access to the same information, and the sum of the information from each department will make the data obtained more enriched.

But one of the biggest changes from a CRM to a CDP is the ability of the CDP to predict future behavior with AI. By studying the behavior of each person, by unifying all the data, you can know what their movements will be and be able to gain efficiency in your campaigns, and anticipate the movements of users.

If you have John as a customer of the loyalty plan of your clothing shop, and you unify the data that he gave you when he joined (name, date of birth, address, etc.) with: his purchase record, the analysis of your sales by dates in recent years, and the effect that certain types of campaigns (online, posters in the street, etc.) have on the audience to which John belongs. You will be able to know with very high accuracy how much John will buy next month if you run an online campaign.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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Beach, activities, relax... do you know how to attract your customer's attention on vacation?

Summer is here! A really nice season for people, but a tough one for many companies that are willing to maintain the loyalty of their customers during a few months of changes in habits.

In this blog we will explain the possibilities that any company has access to in 2022, at a technological level, to know their customers in depth and thus achieve unimaginable levels of Customer Engagement and Experience, even during the summer months.


Know your customer

It is becoming increasingly important to know your customer, as this is the key factor that will distinguish you from your competitors. In today’s world, companies have available huge amounts of customer data: tastes, preferences, socio-demographic data, everything the company needs to improve its realtionship with customers.

But all this data needs to be actioned. There is no point in having access to huge amounts of customer data if your company is not able to use it. In this way, you will get a 360-degree view of each customer, which will allow you to offer them a unique experience compared to your competitors.


Get ahead of the game!

If you are able to unify all this data, with the use of technological tools such as a CDP, you will be able to put this data to good use. With these actionable insights obtained, your company would be ahead of your customer’s movements.

By taking the data on your customer’s behaviour over the last few years in summer, added to the data on the last purchases of this customer, and the level of engagement they have at this specific moment with your brand; you will be able to anticipate with an extremely high percentage of accuracy, the behaviour that this customer will have in summer.

So you can see if in July they tend to disconnect from certain social networks like Linkedin, and start to focus on others like Instagram, which will make you intuit that they are on holiday and therefore the emails you send them will remain unread, thus losing your engagement, as your emails will start going into the spam folder.


Personalise your campaigns

This brings us to the fundamental point that every company knows nowadays, but they don’t take it to the limit they could with the right tools: hyperpersonalisation. In 2022 we are all aware that our customers demand personalised attention, the problem is that when it comes to locating each customer and their tastes, companies are not being able to meet expectations.

Campaigns must be targeted to each specific customer, according to their needs. It is no longer enough to know your average customer, or your Buyer Persona. Today’s Customer knowledge requires depth, requires having several Buyer Personas located and understood among your customers, and updated in real time.

If the customer is more assiduous to buy your product in holiday periods (you know because you have matched the holiday dates of the territory in which they live, with their purchases in your multiple channels), you should offer your product at the beginning of those holidays, and as we are creatures of habits and tend to take holidays on the same dates every year you can send them a reminder to buy, or a discount on a product that interests them (based on their last purchases), in their first days of holiday.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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Are you still doing your marketing campaigns by intuition? Be guided by your data!

Obtaining good results from marketing campaigns is becoming increasingly difficult due to the hyper-saturation of advertising and messages that customers receive. Therefore, your company must be able to differenciate and offer unique experiences, both to your current and your potential customers.

FLYDE offers you the possibility of improving your campaigns in a very simple way with its hyper-segmentation and personalisation tools, with which you can give each customer what they want and when they want.


Unify all your data to get a 360° view of your customers

Obtaining a 360-degree view of your customer is vital nowadays in order to be able to draw up an effective strategy. To know your customer completely, it is essential to be able to unify all the data to which you have access and join it to the socio-demographic data of the market in question.

In this way, you will obtain an extremely detailed profile of each one of your customers on the same platform.


Hyper-segmentation is the key

Once you have a detailed picture of your customers, you can start to hyper-segment according to the characteristics you want. Thus, you can segment by the type of contact your customers have with your brand, by their preferences when it comes to buying your products or by the vital characteristics of those customers (income level, number of people they live with, etc.), among many other options.

This form of segmentation will allow your company to understand hyper-specific details, what each customer wants and how each marketing campaign you carry out affects them.


Define specific audiences

Once you have done this hyper segmentation, you can generate audiences of those characteristics or segmentations that you find most interesting or combine several. With them, you will be able to create highly targeted email marketing or telemarketing campaigns, as well as refining your social media segmentation or your offers through your sales channels.

All this process, moreover, will be accompanied by the constant support of Artificial Intelligence, which will offer you details that the human eye cannot perceive. Thanks to its data processing capabilities, it will help you, among other things, to predict behaviour based on the habits of your customers so that you can act in advance of possible changes in the market.


Create campaigns based on the preferences and lifestyles of your customers.

These campaigns must be personalised because that is what customers demand in 2022. To achieve a real personalisation of your campaigns you must cover three fundamental aspects, which you must unify in a platform such as FLYDE:

  1. 360 Knowledge of your customers (What they want, how often they want it and how they want it).
  2. Knowledge on how your previous campaigns have affected customers and potential customers.
  3. Generate different types of content, respecting your brand, but targeting each type of customer.

Max and John do not want the same thing and, therefore, it does not make sense to offer them the same product. If John is a regular customer (he buys every month in your physical shop) and, having the data from all your channels unified, you realise that before buying in shop he visits your website to see what’s new, the product you offer him on the Home page of your website must match his likes and shopping habits.


How do I make my campaigns stand out to my customers and not bore them?

Email marketing continues to be one of the most widely used actions today. As much as an 87% of marketing teams use this type of strategy to promote products and content. These campaigns can be based on sending newsletters or reminders to recover abandoned carts, as well as many other examples depending on the sector or the company’s preferences.

Even so, the average email open rate is quite low, at around 20.80%. In other words, 79 out of 100 emails are never read. Why does this happen? The problem that many companies face is the lack of adequate tools that allow them to know the customer fully. Therefore, as we have seen throughout this post, personalising and segmenting properly becomes a very complicated task that is also essential if we are looking to stand out from our competitors and reach our customers by offering them quality content that interests them.

However, with FLYDE this process becomes quick and easy. In just a few clicks, you can segment your customers on our platform and get a very detailed view of each one of them to find out what type of content they prefer and, above all, how often they want it.

With FLYDE, by applying the Dynamic Scoring, you will be able (taking into account multiple factors) to segment your customers by the likelihood of their interest on your newsletter. This way, if a customer does not want to receive your newsletter, he will not receive it, so he will not get tired of your brand, and you will not lose him definitively. On the other hand, if a customer is loyal and passionate about your brand, you can send them a greater number of emails, thus increasing their chances of buying and their engagement with your brand.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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