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When your customer who buys in a physical stores does so through your website, do you identify them as the same customer?

Today’s retail has nothing to do with what it was 20 years ago, nor with what it was 5 years ago. Due to the advances and changes that have taken place in this sector, companies have had to adapt to this new situation and many are still in the process of doing so. Therefore, one of the most recurrent questions is still: How can my company adapt to these changes in the most efficient way?

Putting the customer at the centre is essential. ROPO, Showrooming… each customer has specific needs and expectations of your company that you must meet. Failure to do so would certainly result in your customer going to your competitor. Therefore, it is no longer enough to have a powerful product, you also need to meet the specific demands of each of your customers if you want to retain them.


How does the rise of omnichannel affect the way I sell?

Retail companies are living in a world of constant change, to which they must adapt. The rise of Omnichannel as a new key trend in this sector is leaving behind many companies unable to practice omnichannel in a real way.

The fact that a company sells products in a physical shop and on its website is not enough to consider your company an omnichannel company, as this requires a comprehensive strategy in which you can control all of your channels as if they were only one.

If John buys in your physical shop on a recurring basis, why, when he accesses your website, you don’t consider him the same John who buys every month in the physical store?

By concentrating all your customer’s data on a single platform, you will be able to compare them and unify that customer as John, and not as three different customers. This will allow your company to be truly Customer Centric, as your customers will no longer be a number, or even several different ones, but a person who likes your brand and wants to continue buying your products.



The unification of your customer data in a single platform is a great advance for your company, but today’s technology allows us to do even more. Following on from the previous point, having that customer who navigates through your different channels unified and with knowledge of all their contacts with your company, will allow you to segment those customers in a way you had never imagined.

Segmenting by age, gender, and income is useful, but insufficient in 2022. The use of an Intelligent CDP, apart from unifying customer data, will also allow you to hyper-segment these customers. This accumulation and unification of data on one platform will allow you to analyse and drill down into your customers’ trends, in terms of attitude and behaviour towards your brand and their buying preferences.

If you know how each of your customers tends to shop, you will be able to make customer journeys based on real-time data, and see how campaigns, promotions, or new collections affect this customer journey. This understanding of your customers’ behaviour will allow you to hyper-segment in a much more effective and realistic way.



The hyper-segmentation plus the 360-degree view of the customer achievable with the use of an Intelligent CDP, will allow your company to offer one of the most valuebale needs of today’s customers. The real personalization of the experience and the products that your company offers.

If you know that an specific customer wants T-shirts because that’s what they always buy, why would you send them a promotional code for a shirt? With a 360-degree view of your customer and a marketing team guided by this data, you can offer your customers personalization in real time, varying according to their latest preferences.

If John has been looking for trousers on your website, but he tends to buy them in the physical shop, you can expect him to go to the physical shop he usually goes to (due to proximity), and have those trousers in stock there, as it is highly likely that he will go there in a short period of time.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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Retail has always been accompanied by the difficulty for companies to manage stock efficiently. In order to do this, optimal sales control and forecasting is necessary, but… How can we rely on the latest advances in technology to do this?


How do I solve my stock management problem?

Stock management has become a complicated task for companies. The rise of omni-channel distribution and sales has meant that a greater involvement is required to keep all these channels up to date and coordinated in real time. For this reason, many companies are opting to apply new technological solutions that improve these processes, reduce costs and ensure an optimal management.

One of the most recurrent solutions to tackle these problems is to implement Warehouse Management Software (WMS). The problem with this type of tool is that, despite its efficiency in the warehouse, it is not a total solution to the problem as it helps to know your stock in real time but does not go beyond that. Not knowing how your stock can evolve or not coordinating this valuable information with other teams such as marketing, sales or finance, are some of the handicaps they present.

If what we are looking for is a more efficient management, which allows us to plan in time to avoid problems such as stock breakages, the solution is to coordinate different tools that give us a broader view of our environment, unify the data from all departments of our company and can provide added value. And one of them, without a doubt, should be the inclusion of an Intelligent CDP.


What solutions can I apply with an Intelligent CDP?

An Intelligent CDP, or Intelligent Customer Data Platform, is a software that will allow your company to unify all the available data of your company, so that all your departments can work in coordination. However, the fundamental value of an Intelligent CDP, as its name suggests, is the application of Artificial Intelligence, to process these data in the most efficient way possible, finding details imperceptible to the human eye, and saving huge amounts of time for employees.

  • Unify data: a Smart CDP will allow you to unify data from your WMS, sales, marketing campaigns, and any data you can imagine, and to which your company has access; to later be able to access this platform and get answers about your customers or any movement done by your company.
  • Control in real time: access to all the information in a single platform will allow you to see in real time how each movement that the company carries out affects your stock. Thus, for example, the marketing department will be able to observe not only an increase in sales, but in real time they will be able to see the effect of each campaign or action carried out on the warehouse, and vice versa, thus being able to anticipate problems with the lack or excess of stock.
  • Predict sales: as we have seen above, the Intelligent CDP is not only a CDP, but applies Artificial Intelligence to take your business to the next level. In this way, an Intelligent CDP allows you to predict sales in real time, and therefore, you will be able to anticipate any stock management problem, with an accuracy that could reach heights of over 95%, depending on the amount of data provided. And not only that, you will also be able to: establish relationships about peak and off-peak sales periods, and of which products. Which specific customers are buying each product, in what quantity and when or at what times the company is most likely to run out of stock, etc. All this is now possible with FLYDE.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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Make the difference in Mother's Day hyper-segmenting your clients

Mother’s day is a crucial day in any B2C company’s calendar, as it is one of those important days in the year for your customers. A date in which you as a company could create strong engagement with them, as well as boosting your sales. In the US in the last 3 years sales in this day have grown over $5 billion.

Many companies are not yet using their full potential to create proper bondings with their clients, although it is a MUST in our world. In this article we will explain the possibilities that the current technology available could give to your company to boost your sales, through a complete customer 360 view, on a special date.


Segmentation is no longer enough

In order to generate sales on the first Sunday of May, every company send emails, announce in their webpages, offer discounts or run online advertising campaigns, among other things, depending on the basic and traditional segmentation. Do you want to stand out? Your segmentation could go a huge step further with the use of the right tools. An Intelligent CDP, will help your company segment your customers in a different way.

Usually companies segment their customers according to their age, gender, or maybe even by their affinity with the company. This way of segmenting had been enough for companies until today. With the last advances in technology this way of segmentation is just not enough. Taking into account that today’s companies have omnichannel retail and marketing strategies, there are huge data sources from where to learn from your customers.


What is Hyper-Segmentation?

All of this data available in the different channels used by your company can give you an extremely detailed definition of every single client. Imagine unifying the information you have from social media, your website, your offline selling and promotions, your call center’s data, etc. 

The possibilities your company would start having in customers relationships with this data unification are huge. But an intelligent CDP does not do stay here. As well as storing, unifying, and securing this Big Data, with FLYDE your company would also be able to analyze this information with a series of easy to use applications, thus making the customer’s vision accessible to all departments of the company, technical or not.


Possibilities driven by hyper-segmentation

Going back to Mother’s day, you can start to hyper segment your customers on these special dates.

Not just in email marketing or in call centers, where having a hypersegmented view on your customer would help you targeting, choosing who to call/email, and the type of message you will send to each customer this day. Also, with this level of detail of your customer, you could even detect the role played by each customer in the whole sales proccess of a product.

For example, you could know to a huge precision if your customer is a daughter or a mother, and trace a customer journey where you could see if she is a late buyer, or someone who likes to buy gifts with time, knowing when to approach each client and maybe offering a discount for an early buyer a day before the day where she tends to buy the gift.


AI combined with hyper-segmentation

FLYDE’s possibilities with customer segmentation are not yet done. There is a fundamental part left which makes this CDP an Intelligent CDP which is the application of Artificial Intelligence through the whole process, giving the ability to the FLYDE Brain, our Intelligent Assistant, to help your company view the deepest insights of your customers.

Continuing with the examples, if your company sells flowers and FLYDE Brain detects that in a neighborhood where, for example, single-family homes predominate and you generate a large amount of sales, our assistant, after comparing with the rest of the areas, will recommend other neighborhoods with similar characteristics and a large number of potential customers so that you can improve your sales this day.



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximise the potential of your data and grow your business. Working like the big multinationals in the market, which already have this type of software, and having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.


Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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dynamic scoring

In FLYDE we have launched 2022 with a new functionality that will surely be of great value for your company. It is Dynamic Scoring and you can find it in the FLYDE Market application. Below we tell you what it is, how it works and the advantages of having such a tool in your company. 


What is Dynamic Scoring?

The progress that has been made in recent years in data analytics has allowed companies to have a much more complete and real vision of their customers. This in turn has helped to generate personalized experiences, to have an offer fully adapted to customers, and for companies to be able to create appropriate strategies that improve our economic performance.


Therefore, knowing where the customer is in the life cycle has become indispensable. By being aware of this, we will be able to avoid abandonment, meet their needs and increase satisfaction.


This is where Dynamic Scoring comes into play, a tool that, although it offers many interesting possibilities, is mainly used to classify customers from a commercial point of view and to know where they are in their life cycle.


In this way, creating appropriate strategies for each stage is much simpler and the chances of success are much greater since the actions are much more targeted: what may work for a new customer is not the same as what may work for a customer who is about to abandon the brand or who has already been a buyer.


How does it work?

The way Dynamic Scoring works in FLYDE is very simple. To carry it out, the first thing you have to do is to define some classification criteria that will serve as a filter to sort your customers. These criteria can vary, ranging from demographic criteria to actions performed such as visiting a specific page, opening emails, etc.

Once these criteria are defined, customers will be automatically segmented into different segments. In this way we will have them classified according to the point in which they are with respect to our company and we will be able to perform targeted actions on them.


For example, if in the scoring we detect that there is a group of customers who have reduced the number of purchases in our company in the last 6 months, it may be time to offer them some advantage or to contact them to motivate them to become recurring customers again.


Another interesting point of Dynamic Scoring is that each criterion has its own maximum and minimum scores, and that client information is updated in real time. In this way, customers can stay at their current threshold, exceed it or move to a lower threshold.


Returning to the previous example, if one of the customers returns to his previous sales levels, it is possible that he will change to a different bracket and, therefore, our actions on him will also be modified, since the objective will be, for example, to increase them even more or to increase our company’s spending.

Other possible applications

In addition to those mentioned above, there are other marketing-oriented applications of scoring that may be of interest. Some examples are:

  • Qualifying customers: according to the point of the buying process in which they are in order to be able to direct some actions or others.
    • Purchase frequencies: to know when a customer will be ready to buy again or which customers buy more from us.
    • Churn: to know which customers are more likely to leave our company.
    • Loyalty: identify when customers become fans of the brand.
    • CLTV: identify which customers have more potential to have a more lasting relationship with our company.
  • Behavioral patterns.
  • Detect negative experiences: know which customers have had negative experiences in their relationship with the company in order to improve their opinion.

Benefits for your company

Taking into account all of the above, we can affirm that Dynamic Scoring is not only a classification tool, but has other very interesting applications that translate into numerous benefits for the company.

Segmenting our customers according to criteria and prioritizing them will allow us to create much more appropriate strategies for each one, resulting not only in an increase in profits but also in an improvement in customer relations.

In addition, our company and customer strategies will be much more aligned and will allow us to detect specific patterns that will be very useful when making business decisions. In short, a great number of advantages.


Dynamic Scoring in FLYDE

At FLYDE we know that each company has its own business objectives and we want to help you achieve them. Therefore, each client can create their own dynamic scorings based on their own criteria in a very easy to use and visual tool. In addition, it is complemented by other applications of the platform that will allow you to have an even deeper insight into your customers.

Start taking control of your data today.

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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que es cdp

Have you ever stopped to think about how much data your company has access to? Transactional, demographic, behavioral data… Anonymous data such as impressions, data on customer purchases or cancellations, etc. In short, huge amounts of very valuable information. 

The main problem is to use them properly, as confirmed by the study conducted by Rethink Data, which shows that 68% of the data generated by companies is not used. This is due to their storage in silos, the fact that they are treated in isolation and with tools that are independent of each other, which makes it difficult to create correlations between them, favors the loss of information and involves a much more costly and complex process for your company. 

In an ideal situation, therefore, all this data would be collected, stored and processed on a single platform. This is where CDPs come into play. Here’s what they are and what benefits they can offer your company.


What is a CDP

According to the CDP Institute, a CDP or Customer Data Platform is “packaged software that creates a persistent, unified customer database that can be accessed by other systems“.

In other words, an ecosystem in which customer data is collected from different sources and unified into a single database. The data is cleansed, enriched and transformed into a complete customer profile that can then be used to generate audiences and/or made available to other systems in order to create more personalized campaigns and strategies with data updated in real time. 


To understand it in a simpler way, here is an example: Imagine that your company is going to launch a campaign and needs to know its customers well. With your CDP you would collect the information available at all points of contact (own data, social networks or email, among others), clean and unify that data and create an easily understandable 360 profile. And not only that. Once the profiles have been created, you could segment them by audiences to work with those that are most suitable to your objectives and export them to other platforms, such as Facebook Ads or Mailchimp. All in a fast, automated and easy way.


What benefits can a CDP bring to your company

1. They offer a unique view of the customer

This type of platforms are designed to collect data from different sources, unify them and offer a concrete and very complete profile of the customer. Much more than any other tool.


2. Better customer experience

Users are using more and more channels and devices. We have also become more demanding, demanding unified experiences across all channels. Having all the information available on the same platform allows us to know the customer and their behavior in depth. This makes it much easier to design personalized strategies that build customer loyalty, and to change and improve them according to the actions they take.


3. Democratize data

Customer data plays a role in all areas of a company: from marketing to customer service, to IT, and so on. Therefore, its use and exchange becomes indispensable when it comes to driving a business forward. With a CDP, all information is updated and available to all departments of the company, avoiding dependencies, data loss and streamlining processes between areas.

4. Allows to be more competitive and to be more responsive

Knowing the customer in depth is key to create strategies and campaigns without blind spots, which are a success. With a CDP you get this and you can also react to changes in the market since the data is collected in real time. Your information will always be up to date. 


5. Greater agility and efficiency

As we mentioned before, one of the biggest problems in data processing is the use of different independent tools, which in turn causes a great fragmentation of data that makes it very difficult to work with them. A CDP solves this problem since it centralizes all these data in the same place, the changes in them are available and can be used later in those tools that are necessary, whatever the area, minimizing duplications and saving time. 


With FLYDE you get this and much more

FLYDE allows you to know in detail the customer, predict behaviors and analyze data in real time in an agile way, without bottlenecks and thanks to a system based on AI. In addition, any user can use it without any technical knowledge.

Start taking control of your data today

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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blue monday datos clientes

The third Monday in January is the most depressing day of the year. Is your business ready to turn that sadness into happiness for your customers? There are two things in your favor: the beginning of the week is the time when there is a greater tendency to buy and no one knows your shoppers better than you… or so it should be. 

A good exploitation of your customer data is the key to turn your Blue Monday into a sales success. If you have doubts about how to do it, here are some tips to help you get the most out of it.


Recommend products that are useful to THAT customer.

Personalize your offer as much as possible. Your customer doesn’t always have to know that there is a product in your catalog that perfectly meets their needs until they see it on screen or in your store. Therefore, make sure that this information reaches them. 

To help you, analyze behavioral data. Knowing who he is and what he needs will allow you to personalize what you are offering him.


Specific campaigns and promotions, not general ones

Targeting a teenager is not the same as targeting a person over 60. Interests, concerns and needs change completely. Keep in mind the following: general promotions do not generate the same ROI as targeted ones and 71% of consumers prefer personalized ads.

That’s why it’s so important to properly define your audiences, something that is still an unfinished business for more than 85% of marketers today.

Use your first-party data to draw complete profiles that tell you very specifically about your customers. Analyze their pain and gain points, and design promotions that increase their purchase intent with messages that convince them.


Remember the customers who have already trusted you

A loyal customer is a customer who costs less money and one who is more likely to recommend your company. That’s why generating a repeat purchase is so important. 

Filter your database by focusing on those customers who have purchased a product/service in the last few months and make them feel that they are important to you. Why not offer them, for example, a discount as a way of thanking them for having trusted your company?


And, of course, focus on positive and motivating content

In the end, it’s all about Blue Monday. Empathizing with your customers and making them smile is one of the key points that day to make the whole strategy a success. Remember: a customer who connects with your brand is much more valuable than one who is simply satisfied with their purchase. 



FLYDE helps you to get to know your customers

With FLYDE you can cross-reference your customer data from different sources to get a 360-degree view of your customers. We have the perfect tool for this: Customer 360. If you don’t know it yet, you can get more information here.

Start taking control of your data today

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and discover how FLYDE can help your company achieve its goals.

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