3rd Party Cookies are dead, it’s time to unlock your customer’s value

Picture of Santiago Bazarra

Santiago Bazarra

Third-Party Cookies

Third-Party Cookies are slowly agonizing, the main browsers have already killed them. But, what would this mean for companies? Are we facing a new Marketing Era? 

All your doubts will be solved in this article. Also we will see the possible alternatives or if there are not feasible alternatives for Third-Party Cookies and companies will have to completely change their consumer-based strategies. 



Third-Party Cookies have been used as an incredibly efficient tool, allowing companies to track their customers to have a complete vision of them. This tool generates value to companies in terms of customer knowledge and segmentation possibilities. However, it was incredibly invasive for many users, who saw it as an attack on their privacy.

Not just that, the fact that, as we mentioned, this type of cookies are going to disappear from the main browsers (if they have not already done so), presents us a scenario in which the future of digital marketing seems to be directly focused on the use of the data that the customer provides you with directly: the First-Party Data.


Differences between using 3rd Party Cookies and 1st Party Data 

Third-Party Cookies are used to recap information about users. They have an analytical purpose, as it registers from socio-demographical data to attitudinal data, allowing companies to obtain profiles and segment the market based on habits or interests from each particular user. This is why this has been an incredibly useful tool for companies until now, when their use has become very limited and will soon be obsolete.

It is at this points where we should look in to the future, into the use of First-Party Data. First-Party Data are data obtained by your company directly from your client. Data shared voluntarily by your client and that would help your company know properly your customer’s insights. By using this tool you would be generating a much more in depth relationship with customers, boosting the engagement.

Currently, due to advances in technology, companies have the possibility of collecting an enormous amount of First-party Data in a relatively simple way. The problem for companies start when this data is not used properly, due to problems in the storage and in the way it is sorted. We must bear in mind that is useless to recap all of this data if we are not be able to analyze it properly with the tools available in order to understand our customers and offer them great customer experiences. 


New possibilities that a CDP could give to your company 

Unlock your customer’s value. With a Customer Data Platform everything is possible. A CDP is a tool that would allow your company to store and structure every single piece of data that your company has available. Also, a CDP would join in the data that your company has stored in different platforms (social media, CRM, etc.), and the sociodemographic data available in the market that you wish (Average rent per district, Nº of babies born per district, etc.). Once stored and structured this data, a CDP would allow you to analyze it gaining insights from your customers. 

There are many types of CDP providing clients with different functionalities, allowing your company to benefit in numerous ways of them. If your main goal is to substitute Third-Party cookies, the best option would be for sure the use of an Inteligent CDP, as it would allow you to analyze your data in depth, and with the support of Artificial Intelligence to benefit from those details that could escape human’s eye.  



Do you want your company to move on to the next level? A CDP is the key tool that will allow you to maximize the potential of your data and grow your business. Having control over all your data is now very simple.

Moreover, if you do not have IT or Data Scientist teams, this tool will allow you to outsource this function. And if you have them but want to reduce their workload and give more autonomy to your marketing and business teams when it comes to working with data, implementing an easy-to-use CDP would be the best option for your company. It will allow any single member of your company to use it, as this softwares are prepared for them.

Try it for free with our free trial (with auto-generated fake data)!


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Third Party Cookies

Pádel Nuestro es una empresa líder en ecommerce especializada en la venta de productos de pádel. Antes de implementar soluciones como FLYDE, enfrentaba desafíos significativos debido a la gestión dispersa y fragmentada de datos entre múltiples plataformas de ecommerce adquiridas, tiendas físicas y campañas de marketing. Esta falta de integración dificultaba la personalización efectiva de las estrategias de marketing y la retención de clientes.


La fragmentación de datos en diversas plataformas impedía a Pádel Nuestro crear estrategias de marketing personalizadas y comprender completamente el comportamiento del cliente en todos los canales. Esto resultaba en una falta de personalización y relevancia en las experiencias ofrecidas, afectando la retención de clientes y la eficacia de las campañas de marketing.


Paso 1: Unificación y Análisis de Datos

Con la integración de datos de diversas fuentes en una única plataforma, ahora Pádel Nuestro cuenta con una visión completa del cliente, facilitando la toma de decisiones informadas en tiempo real.

Paso 2: Personalización y Segmentación Avanzada

Utilizando modelos de análisis predictivo, hemos identificado patrones de comportamiento y preferencias de los clientes. Esto nos permite segmentar de manera precisa y aplicar estrategias específicas de retención.

Paso 3: Optimización del Valor de Vida del Cliente (LTV)

Colaboramos para optimizar el LTV mediante recomendaciones personalizadas y ofertas adaptadas a las necesidades y preferencias individuales de cada cliente, mejorando así la satisfacción y la fidelización a largo plazo.

Paso 4: Reducción de la Tasa de Abandono (Churn)

Identificamos clientes en riesgo de churn y hemos implementado estrategias proactivas para retenerlos. Esto ha resultado en una disminución notable de la tasa de abandono y un aumento en la retención de clientes.

En conclusión, nuestra colaboración ha permitido a Pádel Nuestro transformar su gestión de datos y estrategias de marketing. Gracias a la integración efectiva de datos y las capacidades avanzadas de análisis, la empresa ha mejorado la personalización de las experiencias del cliente y optimizado la retención a través de acciones estratégicas precisas y oportunas.


¿Quieres que tu empresa de el siguiente paso? Un CDP es la herramienta clave que te permitirá maximizar el potencial de tus datos y hacer que tu empresa crezca. Tener el control sobre todos tus datos es ahora muy sencillo.

Además, si no cuentas con equipos de IT o Data Scientist esta herramienta te permitirá externalizar esta función. Y si cuentas con ellos pero quieres rebajar su carga de trabajo y dar más autonomía a tus equipos de marketing y negocio a la hora de trabajar con datos, contratar un CDP sencillo de usar y que cualquier miembro de tu empresa pueda manejar es la mejor opción.